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"A poem in stone": celebrating the Columbia River Highway
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"And I'll be back in a few minutes with a computer"
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"Because they joined the grange" : architectural history of the grange halls of Benton County, Oregon
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"Bike Bill" and use of highway funds
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"Built with pride and purpose": Oregon's majestic Timberline Lodge
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"Cactus bucks"
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"Call when needed": private contracting for wildfire suppression in an unpredictable work environment
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"Cut-off" flood irrigation: a management practice that works for the Inland Rogue Basin
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"Just not ready for a female", an examination of the inequities in Oregon's superintendency
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"Nose guards" for cut-off, inverted swing cut-off, and similar saws
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"Oregon" your university
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"Show-up pay" or adequate work
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"They carry the burden alone --": the socio-economic living pattern of Oregon women with dependents : a research report
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"This place is full of love"
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"Transitioning individuals" rapid process improvement, final report
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"We talked to the migrants, --" : preliminary report to the Governor's Inter-agency Committee on Agricultural Labor and to the Legislative Interim Committee on Migratory Labor
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#MyRecoveryStory - what's yours?
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#notweak: the heaviest lift you make today could be your phone
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$50 million for health equity in 2023-2025
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' Tis the season for courier and messenger delivery services
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(1,1 - DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethane
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